Hotel de la Prairie****

Certaines des aquarelles de Beni font partie de la collection du musée d’art de Qingdao (Chine), du musée Dramalılar à Bornova, Izmir (Turquie) et de la galerie d’art Ming à Suzhou (Chine).
Next exhibitions:
2018 Jinji Lake Art Museum, Suzhou, China from mid April. China
2018 Jerusalem International YMCA : from April 26th until May 25th. Israël.
2018 Three Rivers Art Project, Elbaz Studio Gallery NY, Hudson, New York State: from May 12th until 22th. USA.
2018 Sebastopol Gallery, Marseille: solo exhibition, from May 13th until June 12th. France.
2018 AACEM, Hang’art, Marseille, May 14th. France
2018 A.R.T. Taipei : from May 17th until 21th. Taiwan
2018 European Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition in HKE Art Museum, Ningbo, May 19th-July 19th. China.
2018 Mas des Ecureuils, 1170 Petite Route des Milles, Aix en Provence until July 31th. France
2018 La Prairie, Yverdon-les-Bains : solo exhibition, from October 15th until January 13th, 2019. Switzerland.
Solo exhibitions
2018 Revivim Eshkol Pais Center, Rishon LeZion, Israël.
2018 Eshkol Pais Arts Science Technology, Ramla, Israël.
2017 Ephrat Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israël.
2017 Ming Gallery of Art, Suzhou, China.
2017 Noyart, V Tower, Bnei Brak, Israël.
2016 Galerie de l’Hôpital, Morges, Switzerland
2016 Quanhua Watercolor Art Gallery, Zhujiajiao, Shanghai, China.
2015 Jerusalem Theatre; « A touch of color and light » Israël.
2014 IsraeliArtMarket, solo exhibition
2013 Matsart Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israël.
2013 CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2012 Private exhibition, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2012 Jerusalem Intl YMCA, Israël.
2011 Private exhibition, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2010 Niederhauser Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland.
1999 Mayanot Gallery, Jerusalem, Israël.
1998 Aktuarius Gallery, Strasbourg, France
1997 Safrai Gallery, Jerusalem, Israël.
1996 Aktuarius Gallery, Strasbourg, France.
1995 Dufresnoy Center, Paris, France.
1994 Safrai Gallery, Jerusalem, Israël
1992 Safrai Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israël.
1991 Jerusalem International YMCA, Israël.
International exhibitions:
2018 Chan Liu Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Jiaxing Intl Watercolor Exhibition, Jiaxing, China
2017 X-Power Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Watercolor Salon II, Thessaloniki, Greece
2017 Ningbo Intl City Arts Expo, China.
2017 Intl Watercolor Exhibition, Ming Gallery of Art, Suzhou, China.
2017 Anshan Intl. Watercolor Exhibition, Anshan: at the Liren Art Gallery, China.
2017 4th Silk Road Intl Art Festival, Xi An, China
2017 Intl Watercolor Exhibition,(Shanghai) at the Lingang Contemporary Art Museum, China.
2017 Re-Interpretation Intl Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition, Shanghai at the Tian Zi Fang Art Center, China.
2017 « The World of Watercolor », Intl Watercolor Exhibition, Bratislava, Slovakia.
2017 Re-Interpretation Intl Watercolor Exhibition, Shanghai, at the Cheng Kai Center, China.
2017 Intl Watercolor Invitational Exhibition, Jiang Yin, China
2017 A.R.T. Taipei 2017, Taiwan
2017 2nd Tirana Intl Watercolor Biennale, Tirana, Albania
2017 Re-interpretation overseas artists’ watercolor exhibition in Shanghai, China
2016 1st Nanning China Intl Watercolor Invitational Exhibition, Nanning, China
2016 Watercolor Intl, Thessaloniki, Greece
2016 1st Intl Watercolor Biennale, Bangkok, Thailand
2016 « Re-Interpretation » Intl Contemporary Watercolor Invitational Exhibition, Chen Zhifo Art Museum, Cixi, Zhejiang Province, China
2016 « Re-Interpretation » Intl Contemporary Watercolor Invitational Exhibition, Meibo Art Center, Shanghai, China
2016 1st. Intl Watercolor Triennial, Varna, Bulgaria
2016 1st Intl Watercolour Biennale, Vanvouver BC, Canada
2016 « Re-Interpretation 2016 » Intl Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition: at the Ming Gallery of Art, Suzhou, China
2016 Large Size, Intl Watercolor Exhibition, Mexico City
2016 1st. Intl Watercolor Festival-Spain, Ubeda, Andalucia, Spain
2016 « Re-Interpretation 2016 » Intl Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition; at the Taicang Museum, China
2015 Watercolor Salon of Thessaloniki, Greece: at the Piraeus Bank Convention Center
2015 « Re-Interpretation 2015 » Intl Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition, J&Z Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2015 VIZart, Intl Watercolor Festival, Tirana, Albania
2015 « Re- Interpretation 2015 » Watercolour Exhibition at the 18th West Lake Intl Art Fair, Hangzhou, China
2015 Castra 2015 Intl Watercolour Biennal / Ajdovščina / Slovenia
2015 The World Watercolor Triennale, Seoul, South Korea
2015 « Re-Interpretation 2015 » Intl Contemporary Watercolour Exhibition at Guilin Zhongyong Art Museum, Guilin,
China2015 « Re-Interpretation 2015 » show at Shanghai No 1 Art Museum, Jianguo Zhong Road, Shanghai, China
2014-2015 Qingdao Intl Watercolor Bienniale 2014, China: at Qingdao Art Museum. China.
2014 Zhujiajiao Intl Watercolour Biennial Art Center, Shanghai « Re-interpretation » The Intl Watercolour exhibition » China.
2014 Shanghai Textile and Fashion Museum: « Re- Interpretation », The Intl Watercolour Exhibition in China.
2014 Watermedia Intl Thessaloniki, Myro Gallery, Thessaloniki, Greece.
2014 Festival Intl de l’Aquarelle, Aiguillon, France.
2014 China Sculpture Gallery Qingdao « ReInterpretation », The Intl Watercolour Exhibition in China.
2014 Suzhou Art Museum, China « Re-interpretation » The Intl Watercolour Exhibition in China.
2014 Taicang (City) Museum, China: « Re-interpretation », The Intl Watercolour Exhibition in China.
2014 The World Watermedia Exposition, Bangkok, Ratchadamnoen Contempory Art Center.Thailand.